It’s time for our weekly creator highlights – and this time it's all about the ladies! Here’s the shoutout to the incredible women partnered with Mana 💜

Catsen is a big Harry Potter fan and a cat lover. Her fav gaming genres include RPGs, single-player, and open-world titles. Recently she’s been in for spooks with The Quarry, so make sure to check out Catsen’s playthrough if you’re all about sleeping with the lights on! You can catch her streaming on Twitch, and if you’d like to see her ADORABLE cats, Korra and Suki, visit them on Instagram 🐈

Things that Dish likes: tea, the ocean, and RPGs. She streams a variety of games like Genshin Impact, Kingdom Hearts, or Diablo Immortal on her Twitch. Another cool thing you can watch is Dish drawing real-time! For more artsy content, head over to her YouTube channel ☕

Jenntacles is known for her positive vibes and amazing dad jokes. A variety Twitch streamer, recently she’s been playing Star Citizen, Escape from Tarkov, Fortnite, and more! You can also check out past streams and fun clips on her YouTube channel🦑
And that's it for this week! Go show the ladies some love!